讓人一窺未來的人工智能ChatGPT 以及在香港的使用方法

最近極多人談論的人工智能引擎ChatGPT,我試用了十多天,不是單單覺得「好玩」或「神奇」,堪稱「一窺未來」。這個人工智能系統由OpenAI 開發,OpenAI 總部設在美國加州,創始人包括Elon Musk,其最核心的開發領域包括機器學習和自然語言處理。
一,ChatGPT 的日常應用
1. 比較相似的產品
輸入:比較一下iPhone 14以及iPhone 6,用中文回答。
ChatGPT 的回應如下:
iPhone 14和iPhone 6的最大差異在於iPhone 14的性能和功能均更為強大。
iPhone 14有較快的處理器、更大的內存和存儲空間、更好的相機、更快的網絡速度、更高的屏幕分辨率等。此外,iPhone 14還支持5G網絡、支持更多的應用程序和更高的操作系統版本。相反,iPhone 6的性能和功能較弱,不支持5G網絡,也不能使用最新的應用程序和操作系統版本。
2. 分析某事情對特定群組的影響
ChatGPT 的回應如下(節錄):
3. 寫中文信
4. 寫英文信
輸入:I bought a book on Amazon a month ago, I haven’t received it yet, I want a refund. Write a letter.
ChatGPT 的回應如下(節錄):
Dear Amazon Customer Service,
I am writing to request a refund for the book that I purchased from your website on (insert date of purchase). I have not yet received the book and it has been over a month since I placed the order.
I understand that shipping delays can sometimes occur, but I have not received any updates or communication from Amazon regarding the status of my order. As a result, I am requesting a full refund for the purchase price of the book…
輸入:I bought a book on Amazon a month ago, I haven’t received it yet, I want a refund. Write a letter, style like Shakespeare, write in rhyme.
ChatGPT 的回應如下:
Dear Amazon, most fair and just,
I write to request a refund, I must.
I purchased a book a month ago,
But alas, it has yet to show.
I understand that shipping can be slow,
But I have received no updates, this I do know.
And so I seek a full refund,
For the purchase price, I do contend.
My order number, I do enclose,
Along with the details, for your perusal, I suppose.
I beg of you, please grant my request,
And this matter, let us put to rest.
Your faithful customer, I do remain,
Hoping for a resolution to ease my pain.
(Your name)
還可以要求要搞笑一點。輸入: With humorous tone.
ChatGPT 的回應如下(節錄):
Dear Amazon Customer Support,
I hope this letter finds you well, and that you’re ready to tackle the exciting task of issuing me a refund for a book that I ordered a month ago and have yet to receive…
Well, I’m sorry to say that my virtue reserves are running a little low these days. You see, I’ve been waiting for this book for what feels like an eternity. I’ve read every other book in my house at least twice, and I’m starting to get desperate. My Kindle is starting to gather dust, and I’m starting to get anxious glances from my bookshelves as they realize they may never be opened again.
But fear not, dear Amazon Customer Support, for I have a solution! If you could just issue me a refund, I can go out and buy a physical copy of the book. That way, I can finally get my literary fix and my bookshelves can breathe a sigh of relief. Plus, it’ll give me an excuse to leave the house and interact with other human beings (something I haven’t done in a while)…
5. 分析深度問題
輸入:What steps can be taken to make it possible for a country with a low GDP to implement Universal Basic Income?(可以採取哪些措施使GDP 較低的國家有可能實施全民基本收入?)
ChatGPT 的回應如下(節錄):
Determine the scope and size of the UBI program: The scope and size of the UBI program will depend on the country’s specific circumstances, including its population, economic situation, and available resources. It will be important to carefully consider the amount of the basic income, the frequency of payments, and the number of people who will be eligible to receive it.
Identify potential sources of funding…
Consider complementary measures…
Engage with stakeholders…
Evaluate and adjust the program as needed…
6. 設計健身方案
輸入:I want to do a front split in 3 months, design a weekly routine for me.
ChatGPT 的回應如下(節錄):
Week 1:
Monday: Warm up with 5 minutes of stretching and 5 minutes of light cardio. Then, do 10 forward lunges on each leg, followed by 10 standing splits on each leg. Finish with 10 minutes of seated straddle stretches.
Tuesday: Warm up with 5 minutes of stretching and 5 minutes of light cardio. Then, do 10 forward lunges on each leg, followed by 10 standing splits on each leg. Finish with 10 minutes of seated straddle stretches.
Wednesday: Rest day.
Thursday: …
Friday: …
Saturday: …
Sunday: …
Week 2: …
Week 3: …
二,如何在香港使用 ChatGPT?
1. 包含外國電話號碼的外國電話卡,最簡單的方法是申請英國Giffgaff SIM,免費寄至香港,充值10英鎊(約 100 港元),每六個月發送一個SMS,就能一直保有號碼。
申請英國 SIM 卡:https://www.giffgaff.com/orders/affiliate/ky28618_1666959280611
2. 使用非香港的VPN
使用非香港的VPN服務,例如使用美國或英國。我自己是使用 https://www.ProtonVPN.com。
3. 到這裡登記戶口
之後每次使用時都要連接非香港的 VPN。
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