倫敦流動推拿師|Massage Therapist On-the-Go


With English Subtitles

香港人移民英國,必須適應新的生活環境,尤其選擇定居倫敦,更要有心理準備,跳出舒適圈,開展更多可能性。香港人郭俊基 Abe 2022年底離港赴英前,他在香港疫情期間失業,轉行跟人學推拿,在香港成功殺出新出路;移民英國後,他想做回老本行,在新環境下,面對語言及文化差異,要在西方社會推廣傳統推拿,會面對甚麼問題?

Hongkongers immigrating to the UK must adapt to a new living environment. Those who choose to settle in London must be mentally prepared to step out of their comfort zone and explore. Before Abe Kwok left Hong Kong for the UK at the end of 2022, he lost his job during the pandemic and switched careers to learn massage therapy. He successfully carved out a new path in Hong Kong. After settling in the UK, he wanted to pick up his profession. Facing language and cultural differences in the new environments, what challenges will he encounter in promoting traditional massage in Western society?




  • 綠豆:香港人的流散之旅

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